Hi, visitor! My name is May. I am from Bangkok, Thailand. During the
time of my bachelor degree in English Teaching, I grew a new
interest in EdTech and making recreational materials using
technology. I started to mess around with coding late in life. I
self taught myself HTML & CSS and worked as a freelance on web
editing for almost a year. Life took turns. I moved to Stockholm. I
was forced to leave this behind and work at a coffee shop to
survive. I promised myself to get a proper education on web
developement to get a real job and I am grateful to be able to go
back and study again this year at Futuregames.
Few months before this picture was taken, my life was overwhelmed
with depression of having no Thai friends in my age with similar
background to hang out with. I was so wrong. I make some new friends
and we go out pretty often especially during summer. They save my
life. Living alone in Stockholm was not easy but having friends
reminds you that you are not facing this alone.
I work part time alongside my study. My workplace is called Bröd och
Salt, a rather popular coffee chain that has around 30 branches in
Sweden. We sell great buns and serve coffee. I used to work at
Odenplan every weekend. We won the Semla competition last year,
around 1500 semlor sold. Crazy! I remembered clearly waking up at
4am to catch a pedeltåg to Odenplan from Älvsjö to open the store in
time. Buns, bread, drinks, salad...I can take them home as well if I
want to. I can never get tired of the food there. Now, I only hop in
if someone is sick because I want to put more focus on my education.